Welcome Gamer, to the Online Apple II Game Server!
The Online Apple II Game Server contains over 200 Apple ][+ and Apple //e games ready to stream directly to your ][+ or //e. If you would prefer an offline version of any game then right-click the WAV, AIFF, or TRACK links. NOTE: Use TRACK links and not HIFI WAV or AIFF for CD burning (video).
Need help? Then please watch this video demo (there are other videos here, here, and here).
HIFI downloads can take about 11-40 seconds (mean: 22 sec, median: 21 sec), the most common cause of error is external sounds being piped into the download stream (e.g. mail alerts) and low volume--crank up the volume and try again.
It has been reported that interference from disk and power cables may corrupt the audio stream. Consider a high quality audio cable (e.g. Monster Cable has been confirmed to solve this problem).
What?! You do not have a ][+ or //e and you still want to play? Then head on over to Virtual Apple.
Hey, where is game XXX?! The Apple II Game Server can only host games that can completely fit into RAM and that do not access the floppy drive. This limits the games to mostly arcade-type games. If you want to submit such a game, then just email it to the address below and make sure to include the memory start addresss. For floppy-based games go to Virtual Apple or Apple Disk Server.
Send feedback, bugs, questions, etc... to: datajerk@gmail.com. See the CHANGE LOG for updates (below).
Game on!
* iPad 2, iOS 4.3.3, Safari (Use two fingers to scroll left pane.)
* iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1, Safari
* iPhone 4, iOS 4.3.3, Safari (Use two fingers to scroll left pane.)
* iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1, Safari
* OS/X 10.6.8 Safari 5
* OS/X 10.6.8 Firefox 9.0.1
* OS/X 10.6.8 Firefox 8
* OS/X 10.6.8 Chrome 16
* HP TouchPad
* Windows 7 Opera 11.60
* Windows 7 Firefox 9.0.1
* Windows 7 Chrome 16
* Windows 7 IE 9 FAIL!!! (IE does not support embedded WAV or AIF audio formats and MP3 cannot be used for data transfer. Use Chrome or Firefox.)
c2t is the tool used to create Apple II audio input files. The source can be download from here.
This project would have never been started if it were not for the freely available resources below. Keep source open.
* BLuRry and SicklittleMonkey. The logo, games, game info, and the concept ripped off from the original a2gameserver.
* Bob Bishop (https://web.archive.org/web/20130409005813/http://bob-bishop.awardspace.com:80/CassettePorts/index.html).
* Apple II Cassette Interface (1 of 2) (http://support.apple.com/kb/TA40730).
* Apple II Cassette Interface (2 of 2) (http://support.apple.com/kb/TA40737).
* Mike Willegal (http://www.willegal.net/appleii/toaiff.c, cassette interface code braindump).
* Paul Bourke (http://paulbourke.net/dataformats/audio/, AIFF and WAVE output code).
* Malcolm Slaney and Ken Turkowski (Integer to IEEE 80-bit float code).
* Piotr Fusik (http://atariarea.krap.pl/x-asm/inflate.htm, inflate 6502 code).
* Rich Geldreich (http://code.google.com/p/miniz/, deflate C code).
* Mike Chambers (http://rubbermallet.org/fake6502.c, 6502 simulator).
* Michael J. Mahon, higher bps foundataion code.
* Javascript left pane selection code (http://forums.asp.net/p/1739142/4686712.aspx/1?Re+iPad+Listbox+is+there+a+way+to+show+all+items+).
* Javascript hash code (http://www.mojavelinux.com/articles/javascript_hashes.html).
* Michael Hurwood, Apple II web fonts (http://www.thugdome.com/software_a2f.html).
* Xmission.com (our host).
* v0.994 released.
* Apple II (plain old II) support added via monitor load code.
* v0.993 released.
* Apple //e native client support! See video for details. Get the code from the Apple Disk Server. NOTE: Apple //e only.
* v0.992 released.
* Added Mobile Version. iPhone tested only.
* v0.991 released.
* Added inertia scrolling, fixed iPad font rendering issues.
* v0.99 released.
* Some IE9 fixes. However, IE9 users will have to right click and download audio files since IE9 does not permit WAV or AIF in browser with HTML5 audio. Or, just use Chrome, Opera, or Firefox.
* Overhaul of all code, all audio files regenerated.
* 8000 bps is the new HIFI. 8000 bps should work on all machines.
* v0.6 released.
* HIFI WAV files replaced with more reliable 0.1 versions. New 0.99 versions coming soon.
* v0.5 released.
* Boosted audio volume from 50% to 75%.
* Added MON download option (Apple Monitor text for pasting into emulators). Right-click to save it.
* v0.4 released.
* Fixed bad LOFI AIFF links and descriptions. Bug in HTML page generation introduced when CD tracks were added in 0.3.
* v0.3 released.
* Added 44.1kHz/16-bit download link (TRACK) for CD tracks. Use this if you want to create audio CDs of games.
The instructions are the same, just type "LOAD", then play the track from your CD player (video demo).
Do not use the HIFI WAV or AIFF files for audio CDs since they use a 48kHz sample rate that may not translate well to 44.1kHz.
* HIFI TRACK uses 11025 Hz and 7350 Hz frequencies yielding an 8820 bps transfer rate.
* v0.2 released.
* HIFI upgraded to 9600 bps (thanks Michael J. Mahon). If you have problems with the new HIFI code please let me know ASAP. You can access the v0.1 game server @ http://asciiexpress.net/gameserver.1/. NOTE: Newer HIFI files do not work with Virtual ][, get a Physical ][.
* CRC code replaced with simple checksum + file length check. CRC was taking too long.
* Bug fixed in code loaded below $800.
* Added download links for WAV and AIFF formatted files.
* v0.1 released.
* LOFI uses in-RAM cassette interface code. Safe but slow. 13 second header with data @ 1333 bps.
* HIFI uses custom high frequency loader. Fast. 10 second header with data @ 8000 bps.